Unlock The Blueprint To Your Dream Life


Rewrite, shift, and 10X your frequency in 1 day.


Its time to wake up to the deep truth of who YOU really are, and I
can't think of a better time than right now with Pluto in Aquarius. To see
your powerful self. There’s no looking back.
It's time to 10x your WHOLE life.

Are you struggling with relationships, anxiety or your past repeating itself?

Do you feel obstacles are in your path, but you aren't sure how to get past them?

Unlock Next-Level Self-Healing


This powerful, life-changing experience reveals the invisible obstacles keeping you stuck and unfulfilled—energy blocks trapped in your energy grid, waiting to be released. Energy affects you more than you realize.

Remember when someone’s bad mood at the grocery store rubbed off on you? That’s just a stranger’s influence. Imagine the impact of every painful experience since childhood.


When trauma happens, its energy gets stored in your body, forming patterns that keep you stuck, re-experiencing the same issues repeatedly. These energetic blocks, deep within your cellular level, are the root cause of your problems. Addressing everything but the energy won’t help you fully move forward.


It’s time to release the four kinds of boulders blocking your path—and why stop there? We’ll tackle all 12 areas affecting your daily life. Your energy field may hold multiple blocks, but once you release them, you'll thrive in ways you never thought possible.


Working on one block can release many interconnected ones, transforming your health, wealth, relationships, love, and purpose. Your birth chart, the energetic tattoo of your soul, shows your biggest boulders and how to activate those areas for more energy. By upgrading these blocks, you’ll push out old, low-frequency energy and move forward to your dream life.


The biggest obstacle was thinking you needed decades to rewrite your life story. With 30 years of relationship coaching, I’ve seen these patterns easily located and upgraded.

A non-traditional approach to Astrology, energy clearing, healing, and abundance activation—this DMT method activates your cellular spirit molecule, DMT, so you live from your higher self, not your ego.


and grow in every area of your life...

Overcoming Relationship Challenges Has Become The New Awakening

Belief Systems and boulders blocking you from your 10x dream life ends NOW.

  • DMT Method allows you to rewrite, shift, and recalibrate your reality to a higher frequency than you ever imagined. It’s about understanding energy transfer and the frequency of codes in your spiritual DNA, deepening your relationships with time, money, health, love, and more. Imagine altering lifelong mind programming in just one day instead of 20 years of therapy.

    Break your 'can't' patterns by identifying and undoing them on paper, tapping into your highest self. Your dream life self already exists, waiting for you to activate everything you desire. By seeing your highest frequency self and raising the frequency of your energetic DNA, you evolve into that version of you.

    Charge your cells daily with high-frequency water from your upgraded DNA codes, transferring this energy into your body. This activated frequency frees you to resonate with your dream reality, naturally attracting who you are. It's time to raise the volume 10X to higher frequencies and live your dream life!

Be quick! This opportunity will sell out fast! Once the spots are taken, the only other way to gain access to my private coaching in the new year will be to enroll in the full investment and by strict application only. $4,000 investment.

February 22, 2025

What To Expect

  • Lead Your Life with Truth, Not by Hiding from Your Challenges.

  • Break Free from the Chains Holding Back Your Body, Mind, and Spirit with Practical Steps to Uncover the Best Version of Yourself You've Overlooked.

  • Remove the Boulders Blocking Your Path to Stronger Relationships.

  • Stand Unstoppable Like a Lighthouse, Radiating Your True Self with Purpose.

  • Learn to Energize Water with Personal Expansion Codes to Supercharge Your Cells by 10x.

  • Discover How to Activate Your 12-Strand Spiritual DNA to Transform Every Relationship in Your Life.

  • Unify Your 12 Relationship Realities into One on Your Personal Birth Chart.

  • DMT, the 'spirit molecule,' is naturally found in the human body. Explore how to naturally elevate your spirit. This is NOT a plant medicine DMT experience. This is a Self-Awareness Strategy on Steroids.

Wait There's More

  • Overcome self-sabotage in relationships, career, and personal life

  • Heal deep-seated trauma and cultivate self-compassion.

  • Integrate unresolved aspects of yourself to attract meaningful connections. Integrate unresolved aspects of yourself to attract meaningful connections.

  • Reconnect with yourself and others, understand your triggers, and shape your reality to match your deepest desires.

  • Unlock your potential with exercises that blend consciousness and awaken dormant DNA. Expand your vision, tap into your power, and align with your truth. Learn to infuse water with the love and healing codes in your DNA.

  • Enjoy lifetime access to the recording of this experience. Revisit and upgrade your energy as needed, and use these tools to navigate life transitions and open your awareness to guide your next steps.

SSHHHHH…. can you keep a secret?

I used to be terrible with relationships and healthy love. No matter how hard I tried I just could not bring myself to attract a partner, keep my money or stay healthy no matter what I did or learned. They were just totally misaligned with my own values.

Can you relate? Do you fall into that same cycle?
I totally get it!

Trying to attract a healthy committed partner was like walking on a tightrope of trying to be charming and persuasive, yet gentle and receiving at the same time. While also trying not to freak out about attracting unhealthy partners!
Do you keep attracting these relationships?

Then I asked myself; do I really
deserve unhealthy love?

The answer will be a polite "NO %#Q%$ Way."

Interested? Here's the details…

For the past 30 years, I've specialized in executive coaching, personal development, and seminars, helping people overcome obstacles that block their highest good. Transitioning from one-on-one coaching to private group work and courses, I kept receiving requests for single healing sessions via astrology coaching.

Last year, I felt inspired to take this to a grander, faster level, addressing all aspects of life—what I call the 12 petals of your dream reality. Now, I have an upcoming DMT event. Despite ongoing requests for more coaching, I've committed to following my inspiration, so this retreat is currently my only planned event.

My heart is full seeing how this simple tool, which activates your soul's energy with your birth chart and water, empowers self-healing, clarity and most of all validation.

If you're interested, join this exclusive DMT event at the early bird rate.

From: Daune Thompson

Subject: Want my $5,000 coaching and all my courses for free?

Yes, you read that right!

Today, I'm actually offering you the chance to gain lifetime access to not only my $5,000 live coaching, but also two of my relationship programs and ALL my website tools... completely free.

I wondered what's the craziest thing I could do to give even more value and raise your worth.

If you've been following me for a while, you know results plus truth is "my thing.”

I've made it my personal mission to work with folks who are drowning in the unhealthy healthy, wealth & love relationships they have allowed around them for too damn long and help them get their lives and their love back.

So, I asked myself... what's the fastest most guaranteed way I can help you get this result...

and before I finished asking that question, the answer had already popped into my head! Because there's one place in particular where my clients get huge and fast results!

Me! Live In Person! You asked, so here it is!

Please note: since quite a lot of my personal time is involved with this event program, I've limited this opportunity to just 20 spaces on a first-come / first-serve basis. Yep, if for some weird reason these spaces aren't snapped up instantly, then this offer will expire when the timer at the top of this page hits zero.

Now… there's obviously an extremely good reason why I'm making this crazy offer to you today.
I'll tell you about it in a few moments.
First, if you decide to take me up on this opportunity, let me walk you through exactly what you're getting today.

How I Did It...

Integrating Science and Spirituality

Envision your body as a radiant lighthouse, where only 10% of its internal brilliance is currently illuminated. Within, some chambers linger in darkness, poised for enlightenment. Picture yourself with the transformative ability to illuminate every room, enhancing the energy within your DNA. The key to upgrading your DNA lies within your grasp; acknowledge and harness its boundless potential.

Visualize your essence as a fusion of water and electric currents, where each cell functions as an antenna, primed to receive waves of varying frequencies, from the lightest to the heaviest. You, in your entirety, are composed of stardust, a luminous spark of brilliance. Throughout the 12 dimensions of your existence, encompassing eating, speaking, living, and learning, you oscillate amid the high and low frequencies inherent in each facet of life.

Historically, much of our DNA remained dormant, awaiting the opportune moment for awakening. Those who glimpsed the fractals of light within were deemed visionaries, too advanced for their time. However, embracing the full spectrum of our light has become the new norm. 

Come join us in this transformative journey as we unlock the comprehensive spectrum of your existence!

You have a blueprint grid of energy tattooed on your soul. I want you to see it so you can be free from your limiting beliefs.
Envision your body as a radiant lighthouse, where only 10% of its internal brilliance is currently illuminated. Within, some chambers linger in darkness, poised for enlightenment. Picture yourself with the transformative ability to illuminate every room, enhancing the energy within your DNA. The key to upgrading your DNA lies within your grasp; acknowledge and harness its boundless potential.

Visualize your essence as a fusion of water and electric currents, where each cell functions as an antenna, primed to receive waves of varying frequencies, from the lightest to the heaviest. You, in your entirety, are composed of stardust, a luminous spark of brilliance. Throughout the 12 dimensions of your existence, encompassing eating, speaking, living, and learning, you oscillate amid the high and low frequencies inherent in each facet of life.

Historically, much of our DNA remained dormant, awaiting the opportune moment for awakening. Those who glimpsed the fractals of light within were deemed visionaries, too advanced for their time. However, embracing the full spectrum of our light has become the new norm. 

Come join us in this transformative journey as we unlock the comprehensive spectrum of your existence!


Illuminate the shadows of self-doubt by flipping the switch in the darker corners of your life. Craft the image you aspire to embody and infuse new light codes into your daily existence.


Embark on a profound exploration of your beliefs surrounding both material wealth and emotional self-worth. This week delves into the intricate interplay between your perceptions of money and your inherent value.


Unveil the mysteries of attraction in your relationships. Explore the intricate tapestry of your communication—be it printed, verbal, emotional, or energetic. Decode the messages you emit into your energy field and align them with your desired narrative for the world and yourself.


Seek peace and security by shedding light on the areas of your life in need. Examine the influence of your mother in your formative years and understand the roots of your quest for safety and tranquility.

Second Part Of Day


Discover the essence of joy in your life and explore whether it extends to your children. Delve into the exploration of your own happiness, either in tandem with offspring or as a personal journey.


Elevate your self-awareness to encompass your physical body. Explore how it holds energy that requires review and healing. Reclaim the golden ball of fate you may have entrusted to others and learn to empower yourself in all circumstances.


Recognize the integral role of partnerships in self-discovery. Attract healthier personal and professional connections by integrating transformative healing codes.


Confront the discomfort of change and the unknown by understanding death as a powerful catalyst for illumination. Uncover the areas of change meant to bring enlightenment to your life and the lives of others.

Third Part Of Day


Liberate yourself from limiting beliefs and self-sabotage. Download codes from your higher self to realize your unlimited energetic potential. Break free from restrictive beliefs and embrace your inherent superpowers.


Explore the calling of your soul and assess how you share your unique gifts with the world. Recognize the multiplicity of career arenas united by the overarching theme that fulfills your soul's purpose.


Align your dreams with societal impact. Evaluate whether you're fitting in or shining your lighthouse for others to find safe harbor. Gain clarity on your purpose to shine brightly in every circumstance.


Embrace your intuitive connection with angels, guides, and higher self. Release insecurities surrounding your soul's truth and acknowledge your direct link to God source energy. Recognize yourself as a radiant spark of light, destined to shine in every sunlit day or stormy night.

Don't Take Our Word for it:

Clients Expanding with the DMT Method into their dream lives.

Daune, needed to say thank you so much! Only just started using my DNA chart, and it’s already helping new clients find me for my new company as well as my new book getting published faster than I even planned! Amazing what happens when you get very clear. I can only imagine what’s coming with the rest of my chart activated.

~ RJ

After a week of drinking my water and I noticed several things that I wrote down were happening. I wrote to have more energy, to follow through on ideas/projects more, and to see from a higher octave. I definitely feel more energy and have finished more projects in one week than I’ve wanted to in months.

~ W.Hughes

Master Coach Daune,  Your astrology method is amazing. It helps me to work with my hidden ability. Since the workshop, I am so inspired by the 10X energy, our business has increased. Thank you, Daune. You rock!

~ Kathy Wright

  Daune, Thank you for awakening my inner Bad *** self. It was always here, but because I want to avoid conflict and I don't want to be always argumentative or too bold. I let myself be a doormat to keep the peace. I will no longer be a doormat. My warrior is awake. Thank you!

~ Kelly Ryan



Grow your connections with conscious souls to create a lighter life with deeper connections.


Monthly non-spams emails with updates and tips to wake you up. idi updates & Webinar Reminders


Daune LIVE Guiding you to see TRUTH in all areas of your Life while connecting with other TRUTH Warriors.


Access to Digital Version of Course following the Retreat Completion. All 12 sessions are yours forever.


Grow your connections with conscious souls to create a lighter life with deeper connections.


Monthly non-spams emails with updates and tips to wake you up. idi updates & Webinar Reminders.


Daune LIVE Guiding you to see TRUTH in all areas of your Life while connecting with other TRUTH Warriors.


Access to Digital Version of Course following the Retreat Completion. All 12 sessions are yours forever.

Meet Your Guide,
Daune Thompson

Daune holds a Science Degree and is a Certified Life Coach. She has an extensive healing background as well as developing training programs and customizing employee-relations courses in corporations across the united states including Fortune 500 companies.

Daune’s entrepreneurial talent includes successfully owning and operating businesses in the beauty, wellness and self-help industries. This unique expertise provides her the strong foundation needed for an effective and results driven personal mentor. At the same time authoring self-empowerment books, I Deserve It Journal, Drama Detox, Balls- Building Balanced Relationships and her newest just released book Mastering Badassery With TRUTH.

Daune is powerful and direct in her ability to liberate people from their limitations and fears. Daune has conducted personal coaching for 1000’s of clients around the world as well as facilitating “I Deserve it Self-Mastery” courses/seminars monthly. She empowers individuals daily to remove roadblocks that hinder them from their greatest potential encouraging them to live the life they Deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is This Event About And Who Is It For?

This retreat is a transformative event designed for individuals seeking personal growth, empowerment, and a deeper connection with their truth. It includes a full-day retreat in Scottsdale, AZ, group coaching sessions with Daune, and a focus on embracing your inner warrior.

What Outcomes Can I Expect From Participating In The Event?

Participants have reported significant positive changes, including increased confidence, clarity, and accelerated achievements in both personal and professional aspects. Testimonials highlight the effectiveness of Daune's teachings in manifesting desired outcomes.

What Topics Will Be Covered During The Retreat?

We will delve into diverse topics such as self-confidence, beliefs, communication, home and security, health, partnership, dreams and society, and more! 

What Are The Benefits Of Participating In The Series?

Participants can expect to observe life from a higher perspective, break free from limiting beliefs, develop inner guidance, and discover their innate power. The series empowers individuals to activate their 12-strand spiritual DNA and integrate their 12 categories into oneness.

Who Is Daune, And What Qualifications Does She Have?

Daune holds a Science Degree, is a Certified Life Coach, and has extensive experience in healing, training programs, and entrepreneurship. She is the author of several self-empowerment books and has empowered thousands of clients globally.Q10: Is there a community aspect to the programs?

What Are The Risks Of Not Taking Control Of My Life In 2024?

Consider this retreat a game-changer and tool to take control of your life. Failing to do so may result in missed opportunities for personal growth, empowerment, love, success and living authentically.

Are There Are Payment Plans Available For The Programs?

Yes, there payment plans offered to provide flexibility in accessing this empowering retreat!

Are Accommodations and lodging included?

All lodging and Travel are not included in this 1-day retreat. We recommend you plan immediately on the best flight, or driving options to arrive at your chosen accommodations the evening prior if you are traveling from out of town.
Hotels are approx. 2 miles from the venue. Full itinerary, hotel suggestions and restaurants are sent to you immediately on a webpage with full details following registration.
Denver Internation Airport (DEN) is the nearest airport to Retreat Center, CO. Aprox 30 min transport from airport. Exact address will be provided following registration.

Open Mind Consulting LLC